It totally was! This was an extreme workout, but we did it together. I'm so proud of Mom for making it all the way. We had a blast.
This was on the home stretch of the 4.5 mile hike down...the altitude must have gotten to my head.
Lucas got some ink too!
On Monday we went to Bear Creek for a little hike. It ended up being a little longer than we anticipated...note to self, look at a trail map before starting out! It was a lot of fun though, and a good workout. Here's Luke on top of a monument on the trail.
This is Bear Creek, it looks more like a trickle though. Luke couldn't decide if he wanted to be in the picture or not, so mom just took it.
We're having a great time here so far. It's so nice to spend some time with my family! I'll post more later about the Incline we did on Tuesday in part 2.